well I'm just torn. Do I be happy? do I be mad? do I be sad? emotional mass confusion.

sometimes I wish people would have some decency. I'm not the nicest person in the world I know that. I say alot of shit about people I don't like, I try nto to say things I wouldn't say to their faces though. They are people I used to be friends with who I have a lot of dirt on, dirt that could make them look very very very bad to people that they look to for validation and self worth. Do I tell people this dirt. Nope. It's been tempting. Damn skippy it's been tempting but you know what I don't do it. And now those same fuckers that I've been giving this consideration to are very purposely trying to make my Sara's life hell. Can't these people have some deceny? We don't waste our time plotting behind their backs or trying to find out stuff to use against them because we just plain DON"T CARE what they are doing. why do they have to be so concerned with what we're doing? Yes in this very diary I have said things about them how I don't like them. But I don't ask people about them. I just sit here and hold my grudge and shake my fist in the air saying "ohhhh those fat, insecure bitches." I don't try to go find out what they are saying about me I don't care. If they asked me did you call me a fat insecure bitch? I would say I sure damn did. And? Why can't they just go talk shit in their forums let us talk our shit here and leave it at that. Why keep seeking us out? Are we that interesting to you? Why do you want to know what we're saying? Why do you care? Cause we don't really care about you and your little friends. Just let it die get on with your lives people. (ok so I am not letting it die by saying all this, but you prod at me enough and I will bite your head clean off your body) I wish they would just go find some other entertainment... trying dating I know it's been so long you all might have forgotten how but if I can do it you can do it.... well ok maybe not. OK how about this find a new show to obsess about and stalk and harrass their cast and crew and leave us poor boring people alone.

I guess there will be no maiming of Julie cause well I need her fit and healthy and because I love her. and I'm in an extremely benevelent mood. It's rare take advantage while you can.

Congradulation Becky!!!!!!!! You so completely rock my world!!!!!!!! (yes all those exclamtion points were extremely nessecary cause well...... this

and on the "about fucking time" front, someone emailed me today.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-05-25 / 5:55 p.m.
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