hung out last night with the Czech supermodels. I could go on but what would the point be. we somehow reverted to being 16 all over again whispers of "He's looking at you.. eeekkkk." and then a round of giggling. Crazy Czech coworker's husband must have been seriously annoyed. Had I not been one of the giggling party I would have been annoyed. The supermodel saying far too loudly while the hot guy walked by "Give him long eye contact." with her funny accent. more rounds of giggling.

the whole thing ended with someone who will remain nameless going up to said hot guy and saying "I just wanted you to know before I leave that I think you're really cute." He said thanks and walked away. There were speculations that he was shy, or taken, or gay. Though he did give the speaker a big smile outside but the speaker was annoyed that he had blown her off and just looked away. Who knows perhaps the saga will continue next Tuesday night. Maybe he'll be there, maybe the speaker will be there, maybe he'll smile at her again and maybe this time she'll smile back.

I'm suppose to go out with the Czechs again tonight because I am a glutton for punishment and I like being very tired. It's been awhile since I giggled like I was 14.

DC called me from NY last night and proceeded to talk until my ear was numb. I know he was just excited but he talks more than a chick sometimes, and I could barely get a word in edgewise. but that's just DC and I'm learning to deal if we're going to be friends I need to dull my sharp edges.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2004-08-11 / 8:12
here comes your man......