Last night my roomate and I sat with our little voting pamphlets and read about the props and canidates in our area. We're lucky, people in side the city of San Diego have a pamphlet the size of a small telephone book. Since we're just part of the county we don't have to vote on nearly as much as they do.
It was almost like cheating on a test.
"What did you get for PropX?"
"I don't remember what that one was about."
"Yea, I don't understand it either."
But it was kind of cool just to sit there and discuss the propositions as we understood them. She and I have some pretty different political views so I doubt if either of us changed each other's minds on much of anything.

This is the first time I've voted in a long time, I'm pretty ashamed to admit it. I've moved so much that I have to re-register every time and I'm lazy and I forget to. But this year it seemed important, maybe more important than in past years. I'm not sure if it's just because I'm getting older and I see more clearly how it's my responsibilty to say something even if I think it's not really going to be heard or if it's just because I really don't like Bush. Something about him makes my skin crawl.

But anyhow, I'm off to vote. You should too, if you haven't already.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2004-11-02 / 12:47
I live here too