Can't escape boys with J names.....

this one called me fire cracker. I thought it was funny.

still want the other one though. *sigh*

UPDATE: fire cracker or no blah not only is he way too young but he was nervy enough that when he saw picture of Sara and I this is what he said:

him: The devil is GOOD.


him: and no that wasn't a religious comment

me: hold on I have to save this conversation so I can show her you said that

him: sure

me: because she doesn't believe me that everyone thinks she's way hotter than I am..... I keep telling her

him: ohh don't get me wrong you're both little cuties but there something about her...wahoo..

and then Julie said "Well that was rude." or something to that effect.

ok so if I had liked him I no longer do. which I didn't so it's not a big deal. I told him it didn't bother me, but you know what it did. I thought about bending the truth and saying Sara only likes girls so he didn't have a shot in hell but I refrained.

Needless to say I'm better off never showing those infamous Halloween pictures to anyone if I actually want them to like me and not have them get the mad lusties for Sara. *sigh*


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-05-21 / 6:47 p.m.
fire cracker