so I hung out with someone from that evil places that sucks hours of my time away....

but it was a cool time.

on the phone I was talking about going up last Weds and hanging with the LA crowd and what not. and he says "Please don't tell me you go to ______" (name of a place I used to go to, but I don't anymore because they treat people shitty)

and I said "Naw, I used to but I don't anymore."

"I've never been there but it's all everyone talks about so I hate it already"

I laughed. I thought that was cute for some reason.

we hung out with his friend, very kick back. no pressure. very cool.

I am impressed as hell. (though he kind of talks like a valley girl, which at this moment is cute but in a week I don't know how cute it will be)

yep it's another entry about guys...... it was pointed out to me I talk about them alot. I guess I'm not as superior to those 13 year old angst kittens as I would like to think I am....... heehee, angst kitten... I just have this mental pictures of little fuzzy kittens in spiked collars gnashing their teeth.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2003-06-16 / 11:24
angst kitten and cute indie boys