whoo hoo!

tickets to see Jason Mraz were secured... I should say a little something about Mr. Mraz.

First off he's awesome. I know I've pledged my undying devotion to Mr. Mayer and that has not changed. But Mraz has this amazing talent and he's an adopted home town boy..... I could definately have some sort of grand passionate affair with him any day.

As Mama J said when I sent her the link to his site "Hello Doctor!"

He's this odd mix of sensitive goof ball which makes me say YAY!

there is just something about a boy with a guitar...... I'm sure there have been great theories published about this but all I can say to the guys of the world is "Get a guitar learn to play and you'll never be needlessly single again" trust the Pie, she knows.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2003-04-10 / 11:20
imaginary boyfriends and imaginary affairs