Because I know Jennifer is dying to know I am putting off my nap a little longer to spill the dirt on el date-o.

For those of you playing along at home, this would be the durfer guy I went out with once after I got rid of Andy. we went out to coffee... I got a parking ticket blah blah blah... late Augustish.

we went to dinner. I was late. we ate. some drunk woman on her cellphone at the table next to us was dumping her boyfriend, screaming at him how dare he call her a bitch and then hanging up on him repeatedly. I tried not to stare but I have no will power. after dinner we went to borders, and I made the boy look rather foolish by proving him wrong on some Evil Dead trivia (date note: boys don't like when you know more than they do). we smooched in the car. he wanted to know what I was doing this weeken so perhaps I'll see him again. he makes little sense to me cause well he's a surfer and I haven't been to beach in the day time in 5 years. he runs.... for fun. and yet he likes me.

yo no se.

trying not to over think it. but for once I'm not all gag after the first date and making plans. if he calls he calls if he doesn't well then he doesn't. no tears shed.

and now I must nap.

addendum: Jymm called me at 11pm last night. more on that when I'm not falling asleep.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-11-01 / 5:34
for those of you playing along at home