I am bone tired I slept many many hours last nght and I am still tired. it wasn't a restful sleep this is my excuse.

I won't have another day off from work until Thursday and my last day off was Monday. why yes, it does suck to be me, thanks.

It is the ice cold beer's birthday tomorrow, that would be my mother for the uninitiated.

I am suppose to go over and eat and booze with her after work. heehee. I love my mom.

it would also seem that world war three broke out while I was at work. I am still collecting facts and opinions and will weigh in later. it seems there was a lot of flying off the handle on both sides.

I am hungry. I am starving actually.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-11-02 / 4:38
while you were out