ugh I'm so sleepy but I'm trying to wait up for Sara.

Went out with Diana and Vince last night and again tonight.

Mumbles is on my case to hang out with him. and there seems to be something on his mind like maybe he sense I'm about to take off on him. I don't know he's just so shallow. I'm shallow but not like how he's shallow. I'm shallow about looks and stuff he's shallow in the "I'm completely superficial and I only do things because it will make other people think I'm cool" way..... most people who know me know, most of the time I couldn't care less what people think of me. I think I make him feel insecure because he's not completely sure what to make of my reactions to him. I don't care about his stupid dvd player in the truck or his spa and indoor pool. they are nice and all but because he has those things it doesn't make me like him any more or any less.

I went with Diana and Vince tonight to this graphic design thing and you want to talk about a building over run with cute boys.... sheesh. I met one of D's friends who I now have this sorta not so secret crush on. D and Vince know about it but I told D not to play cupid cause he would never like me anyway. Nice guy though, and a good handshake. I know that sounds lame but there is something about people who give weak handshakes that trips me out.... insta-wiggins. he was just totally cool. but I'm pretty sure he had no interest in me what so ever.

still waiting for confirmation on that big thing that possibly feel into my lap so for now mums the word. if it all goes through like I want it to there will be details. big if though.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-12-02 / 1:12
shake my hand like a man