in an act of..... personal asuteness I ditched out on the date with the fireman. Why waste his time, why waste mine. I'm not really all that interested in him and one date isn't going to change it.

I spend too much time going on dates I don't really want to go on. I spend too much time with people I don't want to be with because I don't want to hurt their feelings.

Instead I did what I wanted to do. Went and sat in the hot tub with two boys who have no interest in me whatsoever. Did my secret, fuck I hope it was secret, mush guts.

watched a movie, went home.

it was fun I had a good time.

I shouldn't talk about it because I know how things happen and if I'm wrong about anything I think well...... certain foolishness.

I am full of foolish thoughts these days


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2004-05-16 / 2:06
foolish thoughts