Alright after much debate about whether it would actually happen or not I finally hung out with the fireman.

this in itself is sort of perplexing because really the way he talks is... irritating. And misleading.

if you just listen to the sound of his voice and certain words he chooses to say (A lot.... he says these words a lot) you would think he was a complete moron. but he's not that dumb. I wouldn't let him operate on my brain or fly to the moon in a rocket he built but he's not dumb. In spite of myself I think I had fun.

I call it hanging out because I don't think it was actually a date. I don't say this because we didn't kiss, which we didn't but I say this because I do't think there was any flirting going on. He's cute but there just wasn't any flirting.

he gave me a huge hug when I was leaving (and he did the pick up off the ground thing that is pretty annoying but we'll let it pass.)

There are a lot of guys who could take a lesson from him though, see he impressed me. It took 30 seconds out of his day to impress me. He called tonight to tell me that he had a good time and if I wanted to "chill" (irritating word, again letting it pass) again to give him a call. He even bothered to tack on that he hoped I had a nice day at work today. Most guys even if they like you won't do that. So that's a tip to guys out there, if you want to get a girl's pants and make her think she's the only pants you're trying to get in you give the call back the next day to say what a nice time you had. even if you don't want to date the girl but you want to leave the door open so you might get some action that is the way to do it. Oddly enough I think he was sincere, and I kind of think he wants to go on a date "date" and there might not be other girls in the picture. Then again maybe I'm just a dumb girl and it's all a ploy to get in my pants. It might not get in my pnats but it might get him at least to first base......... cause he is cute.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2004-05-22 / 10:52
First Base