I'm starting to think men are all alike......... manly boob muscles guy has a girlfriend. I'm not even going there I'm running away from him fast cause I like him and he likes me and noway jose am I even messing with someone else's man.........

on the other hand my endless social life is still in full swing......... had coffee today with someone. I like him. he's very nice and cute.... but another surfer. not sure how I feel about that........ Sara would like to drownd him because his hair has a reddish tint (she has thing against guys with red hair) I got a parking ticket which sort of tainted it a little. but we shall see.

I have a headache. a bad one right now........ so I think I'll be staying in tonight.

I may have to start calling all these boys by name because I'm running out of nicknames and things are getting confusing...... I haven't heard from congressional intern boy I should get in touch with him or something.....

more later my head hurts.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-08-21 / 5:49 p.m.
liar liar pants on fire