There is nothing like a new romance. Absolutely nothing in the world. It's one thing when it's someone you look at and you just know. But it's something else entirely when it catches you completely unawares. One minute I chatting with my friend while she works the next I'm exchanging glances with someone I would have never imagined myself attracted to. It was something about the way he looked at me. A strange combination of looking scared and curious at the same time. The big brown puppy eyes didn't hurt his case at all. Luckily for both of us my friends knew his friends and so it was perfectly natural that we should get an opportunity to talk to each other.

At some point words came out of his mouth that I had never heard before. That's how I knew I had made the right choice staring at him. I made a good call this time. As everyone seems to point out he's not my type. But I think he's pretty fantastic. And I think he thinks I'm pretty fantastic. And that in itself is pretty damn fantastic.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2006-01-18 / 6:31