I was having one of those days yesterday. It only got more crazy. I got more crazy. Sitting in the drive through of the taco shop crying over a mashed penny. Don't ask, it's not as ridiculous as it sounds.

And then there was the laundry disaster...... lipstick tube in the pocket. A good portion of my casual clothing ruined. *Sigh* I was supposed to head back to the laundry mat to see if I could fix it but I slept too long so it'll have to be tomorrow after work.

D sensed my utter distress. Possibly that I was crying for a half an hour tipped her off that things were not so good.

I was having a super delayed reaction to a string of things I should have already dealt with already. But that D is a smart gal and pretty much everything she said made sense. It wasn't answers per say just a little logical injected into my confusion.

So enter the cheer up squad. D and her sister. I got my Christmas present early since I had just ruined all my jeans. And wow! A great present that about dropped my jaw on the floor.

I made cookies and D cleaned my room. And I felt a lot better.

my friends rock.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2003-12-17 / 10:38
down day