whoo hoo back in the game!

it's so incredibly nice to finally have everything all sorted out. At least all the things in my control sorted out.

not so incredibly nice to see people do exactly what you knew that they would when you hoped they would finally rise above. Can't let it get me down though. Just something that is out of my control.

Work is just work, most definatly not my life...... so I can not let it get me down.. can not can not.

and speaking of trying to teach old dogs new tricks.......... boys seem to be just a pack of old dogs. You can't teach them new tricks you just have to trick them into using their old tricks to your advantage. If that doesn't sound like a scheme, I don't know what one is.

I've been all crazy with artsy craftsy lately and been feeling pretty content.

skinny kitties seem to do as well as the fat ones......

*Thanks Beckers for the note! missed you!


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2003-04-05 / 6:45
letting go of the death grip