It rained last.... they are all worried about mudslides and what not because of the fires.

I just opened the window so I could listen to it while I tried to sleep.

I love that sound, it's also a bounus because it means that annoying dog from next door won't be barking.

called out of work yesterday. Just couldn't make myself go I felt all crappy and unmotivated.

It was a fairly relaxing day maybe just what I needed. Really I think I need about a week of those but it'll have to wait until Hawaii I guess.

Had a lot of confusing dreams last night I suppose everything is still settling in my head. There has been a lot going on. Some of it I'm still not sure how to handle it.

Though my quest to watch more crap television has been lifting my spirits, who can feel bad for themselves when they see those suckers on Cheaters?

Against my better judgement I started watching "the Inferno"... no, not Dante.... road rules real world challenge. You have to similtanously love and hate this stuff..... you feel a little dirty after you watch it. My only complaint is where is Johnny Moseley? I think he was my favorite part of Gauntlet.... ok second only to the "beautiful people" acting as they are suppose to like stuck up jackasses.... that is the point to it right.... watching a bunch of people who are nothing like you make complete asses of themselves.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2004-02-03 / 10:58
crap television