I'm not any less or any more confused than I was before. Which in being nothing is something. My feelings change day to day. Sometimes hour to hour.

anything that happens I'll survive.... if it works out or it doesn't.

I got an answer on something that I really needed to hear. or maybe just what I wanted to hear. Just for that little while I had that safe feeling again.

There is something there. It could be completely wrong. It could be a huge mistake. But if I don't give it a shot I'll never know.

If I don't I'll always wonder about it.

There are things I would like to do for myself, and perhaps this is the opportunity.

and if we do end up with everything working out, we'll both be happier for the things we did for ourselves and getting our stuff sorted.....

I think. I hope.

I would say I need to think about it all. But I don't think it would help I think I would still be just as confused. I can only wait and see what happens.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2003-11-11 / 11:31
an excersise in patience.