I have to figure out what I'm wearing tonight. Yes I realize it's only noon but it's good plan ahead on these things....

I asked Julie, who answered my question with another question basically what are you trying to achieve here? are we looking for a boyfriend? a one night stand? a second date? hell I don't know. I don't want anything from him honestly. I have no goal here. well I do but I have no goal in reference to Joe.

basically this is just a purely shallow thing. not that Joe isn't a nice guy. he is. but it was kind of a situation where here is this guy who thinks I'm cute and wants to go out with me, duh of course you say yes. there was the added bonus of it driving Jason up the wall. now that's the really horrible part. I knew this would make Jason crazy and make him do something. which he did, he finally got off his ass and made a date with me. so Joe served his purpose, I feel really bad though because I totally used to him to get a reaction out of Jason. That just such a typical girl thing to do. yea I'm a shamed but I would do it again if I had to do it over.

and who knows maybe I'll really like Joe and Jason will be a dud and my guilt will be alievated.

yea and monkies flying out of my ass.....


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-06-03 / 11:50 a.m.
confession is good for the soul