the cleaning of my room has commenced... anyone who knows me knows this is a big deal because I'm pretty much the messiest human living. Not the dirtiest because that is different. I do not leave food or other gross things laying around. Just dirty clothes.... and clean clothes. until you can't see the floor.

but right now I can see my floor. go team me.

by the numbers.

amount in change found on floor: $2.30

bags of clothes being thrown away or donated to goodwill:3

pairs of rollerskates found in my closet: 1 (hot pink even)

pairs of underwear not belonging to me I found: 1 (not sure who they belong to but I threw them away)

articles of clothing belonging to ex boyfriends: 2 (threw them away... and giggled)

loads of laundry left to do: 3

loads of laundry done: 2

pillows on my bed: 6

items of clothing that have never been worn (still have the tags on them and everything) that were on my floor: 12

cat attacks while doing laundry: 1 (that cat is crazy... lucky I had on jeans or my leg would be bloody and that cat would have been kicked.)

autographed pictures of me and a drummer from an early 90's hair-band: 1 (I need to scan that puppy in some day just to get a good collective laugh from the girls. I actually still think he's kinda hot. I do't like guys with long hair anymore but his face.... still cute.)

also bought a fairly predictable movie (Gossip) while at wal mart.... which I watched while eating an entire box of chocolates. actually the movie wasn't too bad, but the end was dissapointing because I saw it from a mile away. though now I'm thinking there are pieces that don't add up. hmmm I'll have to watch again since I own the stupid thing. Impulse buying. have not smoked all day..... mostly because I forgot to get smokes at the store *sigh* that and I mostly smoke at work and when I'm out.....

hey I have a whole 'nother day off tomorrow I wonder what else I can get done......


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-06-02 / 8:50 p.m.
oh so that's what my carpet looks like