I'm baaaack.

wasted today.

yay me.

more laundry to do.

bought mom's b day present today.

and made some arrangements on my tentitive trip to the land 'o cheese.

I am excited.

wooly mittens and sweaters. wheeeeeeee.

people form Wisconsin are probably saying to themselves why the fuck is she so excited to go to Wisconsin? it's cold here and there are lots of cows.

I never get to go anywhere. that's why. and I'm excited to go somewhere that has weather. and silly people in cheese hats. though if he comes to airport in a cheese hat to pick me up I'm running back onto the plane........


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-10-21 / 3:26
no cheese hats