ah I spent the afternoon with the Mom yesterday. I am so lucky to have a such a great relationship with her, we don't live that far form each other but we just don't see each other much. For some reason we were comparing feet yesterday, I definately got my feet from the other side of the family, expect for my little toe. Mom and I both have these funny sausage looking pinky toes.

It's odd, my mom has never liked anyone I've dated. And I don't now if she's ever particularly cared for a whole lot of my friends.... but that has really changed. Mom loves the boys she adores D and I have a feeling she's really going to like the Potential. And that makes me really happy.

speak of the Potential, I picked him up the airport last night. Poor thing was delayed 45 minutes but luckily we knew ahead of time. When we got back to his house he wasn't too happy with another memeber of the household but he was remarkably calm about it even though I knew he was really ticked, is it wrong that I was being mildly encouraging to see if he would go off? I just feel like his roomate is totally taking advantage of his overly nice nature and it irritates me, that and I possibly find it mildly interesting what the Potential is like when he's mad as long as it's not directed at me of course... maybe that makes me evil but I kinda just wanted to see. but of course he just squashed it and was nice and polite....

so many errands to run..... grrrrr


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2003-08-01 / 12:37
my boyfriends back