well poop. too a nap today now I can't sleep and Ihave to work tomorrow. yea three days off in a row I could so get used to that.

Hung out with D today.... ate at Bennigans and had the most fabulously fatty dinner. A Monte Cristo...... yea baby... lets take cheese and ham and some other stuff that isn't fatty enough and deep fry it. I love America. Did I mention we had fried cheese, ptotao skins, and fried chicken strips with it? I can't even tell what the carb count on that bad boy was nor do I care. if I have a heart attack in my sleep tonight you all know why.

Paraded all the pictures of my boys out for her to scope. she thinks congressional intern boy is adorable. I think he's her favorite. She looked at Andy and said "He looks like an asshole." sometimes you really can judge a book by it's cover. we went into a whole discussion on Jason's freakishly long alien fingers.... manly boob muscle guy made her laugh though she admitted he was very good looking, and that his pic was a high resolution so he wnated everyoneto be able to see him clearly. not wrong there.

then we went to see Jay and Silent Bob.... funny. I wanted funnier but I got my Jason Lee fix so I'm happy....... that movie needs more Jason Lee.... I think every movie could do with some more Jason Lee actually. That movie makes me just want cuss a whole lot so......... fuck. ah I feel better like a 12 year old with touretts...... fuckity fuck fuck fuck.

there is this guy that I can not turn on yahoo messanger without out him messaging me. he's nice enough but sheesh and he always wants me to hang out with him. like he's depserate for friends. which is why even though he lives 10 minutes from me I never hang out with him. he's whiney and pathetic it drives me nuts.... and he wonders why no one will date him? because you're a clingy pain in the tushie! I've tried to explain this nicely..... quit gasping in horror I can be very nice when I put my mind to it...... I tried to explain to him that he's trying to hard, but of course he doesn't listen to me. and so he messages me everytie I get online. And I'm always online. and wants me to go shopping with him and help him pick out clothes.... or go to a movie..... or go for ice cream.......and I always say no can't he get the hint? I know he's just lonely and I should take pity on him but I'm not that nice, because a whole day of listening to him bitch about how he can't get a date well I would rather pluck all my eyebrow hairs out and then rub lemon juice all over my face. ok not really... but if he tried to kiss me....... yes. bring me the lemons.

oh I got majorly scoped coming out of the movies, by a hottie. did he come and talk to me. of course not. loser.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-08-28 / 11:52
heart attack on a plate