I never did make it out of the house last night my few options of escape all had other plans. so I hid in my room and read the book Ryan lent me and was generally pissed off. I usually spend most of my time when I'm home in my room but it's something else entirely when I am forced to do so.

Going out with Ryan tonight. This should be interesting considering we've never gone anywhere before. I was looking forward to it and now I'm not sure. I'm sure it's nothing and it'll go away but I have this worried feeling in the pit of my stomach, or maybe it's just the toaster streudal I had for breakfast, I don't know. *sigh*

Got email from Sara, my reading is complete. again maybe some worry maybe just breakfast not entirely sure.

I dreamt this morning that I was Amish, and SMG was in my dream as Buffy, only an Amish Buffy..... and somewhere in there I was shipwrecked I think that's how I became Amish. I was shipwrecked on their beach or something and they took care of me, because I was quite aware that I was not REALLY Amish and kept trying to sneak out and find a TV........ but this dream got me to thinking about the movie Witness..... and finally realized what child star Fieval had reminded me of.... Lucas Haas, in Witness even. so there is a long standing mystery solved, neither Sara or I could figure out who he reminded us of.

the toe is better. I should be able to wear heels tonight. gee lucky me.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-09-22 / 10:06
Good God I'm Amish