I stayed up way too late last night. Doing what? you ask. Dancing til the break of dawn? No. Snuggling with an attractive male? No. Actually I was up watching the Discovery channel.... yes the Discovery channel. I'm such a geek. It was a show on the science and biology that seperates the genders. Fascinating stuff actually. interesting little facts tucked inside such as a woman recognizes an emotion on a face before she recognizes it's actually a face. Where as men have to figure out it's a face first and then process what emotion is on the face. They showed brain scans of men and women identifying emotions through pictures of facial expressions. Men were using a much larger portion of their brains to do so than the women were.

It also takes women on average 3 times longer to park a car because testosterone gives men better spacial relation.

Like I said, fascinating..... it actually said something that I have personally thought before. Basically men try to figure out how things work, and women figure out how people work.

There was a whole bit on dating and how people pick a mate but I won't even get into that.

I unfortunatly missed the beginning of the show so if it comes on again it would be worth watching all the way through.

I did almost laugh out loud when they started talking about getting old and how by the age of 85 there are three women for every man, because the men have dropped dead..... all I could think of was the Eddie Izzard bit "I'm eighty-two!"

Time for me to do something useful and productive..... mostly more job hunting.....


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2003-01-16 / 11:53
I'm eighty-two!