hmmm just wandered in the door... went out with Nancy and Diana tonight had a blast. thought I might see the nice boy I had lunch with yesterday but no such luck. yea yea I know for someone who says she's gonna quit dating I sure go out a lot.

I don't want to say a lot about this boy because lets face it, that always ruins it. let me give it a few more dates and we'll see. but so far so good........ he seems to think I'm pretty keen but I'm being cautious because it could all me an act. I did like his theory that men are evil and you just have to carry a bigger whip......

D and I had mini heart to heart after we got back and it was really nice. I have to think of something really cool to get her for her birthday just to show her that I was thinking about her.

speaking of prezzies I got some from Julie for me and Sara today. color me giddy!

on an unrelated note: got an interesting google hit yesterday or was it the day before........ I'm pretty sure I know who it was too. why is it that people that I know from before seem to be so interested in what I have to say when all they do is talk shit about me behind my back?

Sunday night at Chris's I was just thinking how far removed from my old life I am now and how when I step back I don't fit anymore. it's like a puzzle piece that has changed it's shape. it's kind of scary but kinda of nice all at the same time. I want to be someone else than I was then. and maybe I am. I'm making changes people around me know that know me seem to see something in me that I don't see. think I'm better than I think I am, and well you know what they say...... or maybe you don't, but when 50 Helen's agree..... well who can argue with 50 Helens? ok no one really says that but you get the point.

all I know is I'm already starting to smile more and that can't be bad.

and I have my friends

and I have my family

and there might might might might might be a boy, who is very sweet. but slow is the word on the street. no matter how nice his voice sounds on the phone slow is still the word.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-07-27 / 2:27 a.m.
50 Helens and a bigger whip