Something I forgot to mention previously.

Alias. good show. Michael Vartan could eat him like a yummy blonde popcicle. what is Sydney doing with el dorko boyfriend when she could be getting cozy with mr hottie?

I was getting all into it and I think Mumble boy was getting miffed because he was being ignored. you see because he has such high and refined tastes in television.... The Best of World's Worst Drivers. you think I'm kidding? I wish I were.

I don't know that's another point of contention. entertainment wise we have not a whole lot in common. we like some of same music but movie/tv wise, different solar systems. he could never appreciate a show like Buffy, which yes I admit can be incredibly and bad sometimes, but it can also be downright hilarious and sharp. but he would never get it, even someone wrote a storyboard and explained all the jokes to him he wouldn't get it. it's not that he's stupid, he's just missing the cheese factor. he would just miss the humor in it.

he's not creative or artistic or anything like that. he works hard and then he wants to pay with his toys which is all fine and dandy, for someone else who is not me. I want someone who has some kind of interest, some kind of passion, be it about music , drawing or painting, writing, or, building things but have a passion about something. he doesn't have a passion about anything. nothing makes him happy, nothing is ever good enough. that's why he'll be successful at his buisness but he'll never be happy.

I may not have found what it is I have a passion for but at least I'm looking for it.....

reason number one million and one why it won't work out, and yes this one is worse than the mumbling though that does drive me up the wall.

Why am I bothering to see him again? I don't know. maybe I have something to learn from him. maybe he has something to learn from me? naw I don't know if I really have anythign to teach anyone quite yet.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-11-19 / 6:36
reason number one million and one