Maybe someone knows about this..... cause I saw something on the way home from Wendy's (food place, not person's house, I know no one named Wendy.)

The car in front of me had a license plate holder reading "Truth not tolerance" now am I just interpreting this all wrong cause well I was offended. Maybe I was taking it the wrong way. Whatever, people annoy me.

Got into a discussion on the uses of the words "Oriental" and "Asian" today. desk, forehead, collision..... but you know what do I know? I'm just a softhearted, overly sensitive, uninformed liberal..... oh and I supposively hate America. Viva Canada! Addendum: Adam Deadmarsh you indeed rock my world! Doing the "my team is all about round 2" dance


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-04-24 / 7:26 p.m.
Do you get a free hockey player when you move to Canada?