yammer yammer too many thoughts that don't go together.

this entry is brought to you by the words stress and worry.

So I'm up for a promotion. Yea me. I was suppose to know last week which has now turned into this week, which may be turning into next week. Do I want it? yes. Have I been working my ass off to get it? yes. Will I get it? I don't fucking know. Will I look for a new job if I don't? Probably. With the promotion will they pay me enough for all the crap I do? No.

Yea that was me, going in yesterday for the meeting on my day off and staying until 2 in the afternoon working on things that are not yet my responsibilty. I was paid for it but hello day off. They mock me, the other for doing these things, but if I don't no one will and I mean NO ONE. They help once I start but it's the starting they have a problem with.

Addendum: Sexbot Buffy tonight... go team me..... cause well me and Spike and...... yea.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-04-24 / 5:53 p.m.
Pro-mo-tion. Gimme!