Don't you love it when you find things you thought you lost? and no I'm not talking about my mind. That is most definatly lost and not found.....

So I found my Sarge CD..... and I'm listening to it and rocking out.... and then there was this line and I *gasped* no, really I did..... it was me, and Jason....

"and I hate the way we talk

as if there was really nothing really important to say,

'til I noticed how he stuck around

everytime I wished he would stay,

this could turn out fine

if I could just shut up and let things be ok."

nutshell bay-bee.

So I have until the 4th of May to learn to shut up and let things be ok.....

yea and then i went back to rocking.... I'm a world champion chair dancer. It's a talent, what can I say.

I wonder if anyone is reading this? I mean besides the girls, they are forced to read it even if they don't want to, because they're the girls......


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-04-23 / 7:46 p.m.
they screwed me up and I learned to lie