well the visit with the mom's went well. she even fed me.....

the breaking of the boyfriend news went well also... though I was informed that he can't be my boyfriend because we've only been together a month and that I should say we're "seeing each other".

my mother is a crack up.

also the thing that was upsetting me earlier has been resolved.... well at least my point of view is being seen. I think it was seen all along but not maybe being completely acknowledged. anyhow, seems to be ok. if action is taken it will be great... if action is not taken I won't die or anything just be annoyed, but everything is gonna be just fine and stuff.... possibly even dandy.

and now my tummy is full of cheese and crackers and I have evil plots to be... well... plotting.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2002-02-04 / 6:47
action and reaction