argh, I'm off today and sitting around with the roomate while people work on the house.

this weekend was kind of, well let's not label it shall we. I'm in one of those delicate situations where whatever I say could be taken completely incorrectly. Or worse yet, just as I intend.

I met some people. made a wee bit of an ass of myself (Go me!) and that's all I would like to say about it all. (I would actually like to say more but I should invest in self censoring a little more)

the weather is unseasonably warm.... I want to say in the high 80's possibly low 90's. Ain't southern California something? It is early March and this weekend they had to close down streets leading to the beaches because of so much traffic as people flocked to the sand. Go figure. I actually thought about going to the beach today but why blind the other beach goers, because I am as pale as a shut in goth girl.

so instead I went to see if they had my yellow converse in my size. One pair left size ten....... drat! foiled again. maybe I could find them on ebay but that was the only time I've ever seen them in light yellow anywhere. Should have gotten them monthes ago, that'll teach me.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2004-03-09 / 12:27
a beautiful day in the neighborhood