there were a couple of run ins with wildlife I forgot to mention.

I was almost eaten alive by a giant possum in my yard on Thursday. Eaten alive I tell you, or just possibly looked at.... but it was a menacing look. I was outside on the patio smoking and I kept hearing this noise... I thought it was a cat no big deal I went around to throw something in the trash and there it was. and it was huge. So I yelped like a little bitch and ran into the house. locking the door after me.... those killer possums are tricky they may be able to open a door or something.

Friday the Potential and I saw some squirrels. I started in on my rambling about how they carry the plauge his answer was "But they're so cute....." doesn't he know that's what they want him to think? silly boy.

The squirrel eyes my ice cream cone thinking he might be able to bum rush me and steal it but I was smarter and munched it down in front of his beady squirrel eyes.

I just don't know how ot convince the Potential of the evilness that possibly lies in the hearts of squirrels..... he'll have to learn the hard way.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2003-07-14 / 12:06