so I ended up at this sorta metal show tonight.

Now why would the pie be at a metal show... well because my most favorite boss in the universe used to date one of the guys in the band. That would be why.

It was fun though. I haven't been to a show like that in a long time.

it's also interesting to see someone who always talks shit about being independant and whatnot get jealous over their ex flirting with some blonde bimbo though they propose not to care.

Oh yes those are the things we do.

Hot boys out tonight not that I really noticed. I mean I did just in passing, but I serious think there is something wrong with me these days because I'm just not interested when it really comes down to it.

call it my loner time but there is something going on. I'm not waiting for Mr. Right but I'm certainly not going to seek out Mr. Wrong.

Maybe I should hang out with the boss lady more often, makes me slightly empowered. Silly as it sounds. We just went and had fun. We looked but we weren't shopping.

I don't know where my head is right no, but I feel like it might be in an ok place. I'm not waiting per say, but I'm in no hurry to go anywhere.

I'm not holding out for happily ever after, but maybe for happily ever for awhile if that makes any sense at all.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2004-01-18 / 12:03
the funny things we do