In the way that it always happens, which is completely by accident, D and I have come sorta connected to "the scene"

I'm not really sure how I feel about that. She is more connected than I. On my half it's all JB's fault since he's now in a band that plays that sort of stuff. D just knows too many people.

So Saturday night it was rolling with the unconventional crew to the Ken Club for a night of bands with boys in them. There were some weird moments which I suppose are to be expected. I was trying not to be rude to JB's friends that I used to know and made an effort to say hi, but kinda forgot that shocking change thing I did and it took everyone a few minutes or some of them didn't reconize me at all.

I suppose I should address that, uh thing, I'll only say I'm not worrying about it. Whatever happens happens. I can not overthink this whole thing or I was have an ulcer. I'll make myself crazy. Besides, with all the things reaching my eyes and ears these days it makes my brain hurt to think about it all. Though the SWF thing makes me laugh while I'm scratching my head. I think we talked it to death the other night and I'm not thrilled with the outcome. I regret the outcome but not what happened. I guess. I'm a little confused by it all at the moment.

I'm really tired and ready for a vacation. Luckily, I have one coming up.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2004-05-31 / 8:39
not really a scenester...... per say