I'm sorta getting things unpacked. sorta. I have too many things. plain and simple.

in the realm of "what the fuck?!?" Tardy has once again dropped off the face of the planet. *shrug*

occasionally I have the urge to scream "make up your fucking mind my man!" you never know if the boy is in or out but I made it quite clear to him one or the other cause I'm not amused. it's not like I have time for a thing anyway. I just like him. Don't ask me why.... it just sorta happened.

and in other annoying news sometimes you just want to tell someone.... butt the hell out of my life. so damn nosey, I swear.

Becky got me the Bad Girl's Calendar for Christmas and I was flipping through it and it had the checklist for "bad girlfriend" or "bad girl friend" where was this list when I needed it? not that I would have listened I was part of the adoring masses.... oh well you live and you learn.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2003-01-02 / 11:21
moving sucks