so the crush train got derailed tonight. that's ok I was never gonna move to North Carolina anyway. and there was that matter of that picture with that hat..... bluck what is it with guys and their headwear.

Chris has that god awful beanie, that thing should die, because it has a life all it's own. it's evil not the good kind of evil like Sara and I either and needs to be stopped.

so I have a new habit starting yesterday. I'm making an effort to write.

"J" had some good advice. that I should do something that is strictly for me that I like doing... God forbid, like a hobby.

so I went out last night with my little notebook and wrote a little and did the same tonight. I have 7 notebook pages front to back that no one will ever see. I don't even know if it's good or bad. I kinda don't even know what it's about. I think it will figure that out on it's own.

I'm not typing it on the computer because it's too easy to get distracted because if I'm at the computer I'm online and well then I get nothing done. who knows when I'm farther along if it's any good I'll type it up and show it to some people to see what they think. I would have to find some unbiased readers (AKA not my girls because they think I'm fabulously talented at everything I do. luvers you all heehee)

things aren't so bad boys and girls.

I feel *gasp* good. really good.

but I am sleepy. and sleep is good too.

all is good.

good good good. eat it up while you can and feel the goodness.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-11-09 / 10:36
touch the goodness, hug it, love it, for it is good