In a covert mission today there were tickets secured.

The Lanky one informed me they were in the "John gives lap dances section" as lovely as that sounds one has to think of the hee haw dance and wonder if they wouldn't get injured in the process of the lap dance.

The San Diego based mission didn't run so smoothly.... we had system failures and panicked phone calls but in the end we got what we went for..... not as good as the original aborted mission but we came out with something.

I woke up feeling not sick at all. Do not ask me because I don't know. Maybe just a good night's rest kicked it out of my system.

Alrighty off to see my mom. Yay mom!


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2003-04-17 / 11:44
If only there were such a section