I'm worried about Julie. The chances that she was anywhere near the action are slim. I of course being the scatterbrain that i am can't find her new number. I'm *sure* she is ok but it would be nice to be proof positive. I came online hoping she had made an entry but nothing.

I can not say how glad I am she moved form New York because the chances of something bad happening to her today diminished greatly *Julie luvers you*

I should have stayed in bed today. I was all warm and cozy.........I heard about the hijaked planes on the way to work, as it was happening........

got to work and there was the smell of an electrical fire taking over the building so we all stood outside for an hour while 5! fire trucks hung out in our parking lot........ did I mention it was freezing outside. all we wanted was to go back in so we could watch the news.

it's completely unreal. I'm at a loss for words. numb and dumbfounded. frightening and amazing. the world is scary.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-09-11 / 4:16
lookin for julie