how the world can turn upside down in the matter of a few hours.

I don't know how it happens. I don't.

all a matter of taking care of business I suppose.

hear that noise folks? it's the sound of the pieces snapping together to make the prettiest picture of a basket of kittens. I shit you not.

you. yea you. you know who you are. I was all sad last night. well, I'm not sad anymore, just thought you would like to know.

something amazing happened.

a couple of something amazings really.

I'm not saying it's anywhere near a smooth road ahead but things have a funny way of working themselves out.

cross your fingers, cross your toes, pray to whatever gods you pray to because I think it's all gonna be A-Ok.......

because I laughed tonight. it could all blow up in my face by Weds but that's ok too..... I might even still be laughing then.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2003-01-21 / 1:12