I haven't had a whole lot to say lately. I guess I've just been busy. It's sort of like a whirlwind trip your days are packed with things to do but at the end of the week looking back you can't remember anything that you did. Work is good. Not a whole lot to say there.

my favorite co worker left for Czech yesterday so now I won't have anyone to drag me out and insist that I get hammered. I think this could probably be a good thing. Mind you she didn't go without getting me really drunk on Weds when I had to work early on Thursday.

but that girl is so much damn fun.

She's all excited because she'll be there in time for the "Easter whippings" the men of the town go door to door and "whip" the women and then the women give them booze. what a strange place.

I took a week off from the V day guy..... I needed space. I think I need permenant space. He's a nice guy but we're are completely imcompatible. It's really a shame, but more than anything I think I don't want to be tied down right now. I want to have fun. I want to flirt. I love flirting. and with him around even though we're not a thing I feel like I have to be on my best behavior. I don't want to be on good behavior. I want to talk to people, be social, be outgoing, HAVE FUN. I'm just not having fun with him anymore. I feel so incredibly guilty about it.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2004-03-20 / 11:35
I want to have FUN, damnit