I think everyone has heard that old joke about what you get when you play a country song backwards.

Someone is playing my song backwards folks. I got my boss back, and I got my boyfriend back (well sorta.... I don't know, the kinks are being worked out.)

I suppose the big question is which boyfriend..... yea well, it would seem that JB and I were on the same page freakishly enough about perhaps giving it another try. I'm being very cautious about the whole thing. I don't think anyone has forgotten that whole broken heart episode about a year back.

It would seem neither of us have met anyone we are as comfortable with as each other and as I was told there was no one "nearly as interesting" as me(comment from D on that one went something like "Duh, cause you're one of a kind.")

I have zilch perspective on these new events. I am completely blown away and flummoxed by the situation..... flummoxed, I love that word.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2004-09-17 / 11:47
you get your truck back, you get your dog back.......