so this is how things work in my life. I was not thrilled with the idea of staying at the ex's place on Saturday. I should have followed my gut instinct not that anything horrible happened but accomodations were not as advertised.

sometimes I know him so well...... he would deny it but it was so obvious why he did what he did. he said he was going to leave and stay at a friends so I wouldn't have to talk to him it being all akward me being an embarrassment to his life and all. Sara and I rolled in after two go in his room to get ready for bed and guess who sleeping in the bed. well it wasn't mother fuckin goldilocks that's for sure. he did it so we would have to wake him up so he would know when we came home so he knew Sara didn't hook up with anyone. possesive little fuck that he is. he's so ridiculous he seems to think he has some claim on her because he's obsessively in love with her, like she belongs to him just because of how he feels even though that is not how she feels about him and never will feel that way about him. news flash, bucko, you have no claim, she has no obligation to you. in other words get over it and move on. but that won't happen.

I guess she's been deemed exceptable by his little friends too...... there are so many things i could say that I won't.

I bit my tongue. I was nice. I was polite. I was downright friendly even when all I wanted to do was tell him to fuck off. Chris is the king of failed expectations. he's always "trying" to do something nice but he can never manage to follow through his own selfish motives get in the way. things would have been great had he done what he said he was going to do. easier on everyone, but of course not his need to know what time sara got back and what Sara had been doing, and who she might have met got in the way of his good intentions. I should have known better than to expect the best.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-07-16 / 9:26 a.m.
not so great expectations