what can I say about last night?

you're really not suppose to have that much fun on a Sunday......

went out with my friend, the one I hung out with on Friday, my lying little devil pal (and I mean that in the nicest way) this girl is trouble with a capital T.

we went and ate which in itself was no big deal. then we went down to this bar where I sort of know someone who works there. He wasn't there so we were just hanging out, scoping the scene. This place has a rather large patio area so we decided to move out there where there were more people to watch. Only we got out there and there was no place to sit. We had only made it a few steps when we hear some guy behind us "hey you girls want to sit here?"

enter the Turtle boys into our night..... now there were 2 Turtle boys... Drunk Turtle and Sober Turtle. So 'lil Devil looks at me and I look at her and shrug. It would seem the same thing was going through our minds.... we are far too lazy to look for other seats so we might as well sit down. Turns out the Drunk Turtle is visiting the Sober Turtle and has been kicked out of near by bars 2 nights running. Friday night at 10:15 and Saturday night at 10:30.... Sober Turtle says he's aiming for 10:45 to keep the Drunk one's 15 minute increment going. Shortly more of their friends show up and we're a full house. They somehow don't believe us that we don't actually know the Turtles and that we had just been walking by. The lone girl with the friends actually met them a similar way when she had been randomly invited on a pub crawl with the Turtles, her future boyfriend (a friend of Turtles) and 43 of their friends. 43 of their male friends, I should say. but that is neither here nor there.

It's funny how one really drunk person can be the ice breaker. He's allowed to act like an ass. He can call you broad in one breath and then try to kiss your hand and this is all perfectly acceptable because as Sober Turtle put it, he's "that guy".

At some point Lil devil jumps up form the table says "oh my God" and runs to someone hugging them. I get up to find out what the commtion is all about and get introduced ect trying to figure out where the hell she knows this guy from considering she doesn't live anywhere near where we are. (Turns out she didn't know him at all. She just ran up to him and said pretend you know me..... which I thought was pretty damn slick.)

at soem point the friends of the Turtles leave and it's just me, the devil, and the Turtles. And then the phone calls begin. Lil Devil starts calling her friends and making Sober Turtle talk to them pretending like he knows them. Much hilarity ensues. Sober Turtle makes us call his friends and pretend like we hooked up with them at some point. Ah, even more hilarity. We do love our hilarity. Somewhere in there Sober Turtle is holding my hand. The Devil and I had already given each other the loks to see if I thought he was cute and I did.

And then the best part of the night...... some girl comes up and asks Drunk Turtle for a smoke. He gives it to her and The Devil calls out that she has to kiss him for it. So the girl kisses him on the cheek. No, The Devil says, on the mouth. So the girl does. Then she sort of invites herself to our table because Drunk Turtle is so adorable. And she brings her friend along. This is where the Devil pulls the best stunt I've seen in awhile. She gets the girl going that Drunk Turtle is her boyfriend, that they live together and are madly in love, basically making the girl feel horrible for kissing him. The Devil tells her she doesn't mind because she trusts Drunk Turtle....... Sober Turtle and I are trying not to blow the whole deal by laughing too hard.

Eventually our evening with the Turtles had to end because the Sober Turtle had to go to work today early and the Drunk one had to catch a plane home. (we called his mom at some point...... Sober Turtle promised he would keep the Drunk Turtle out of trouble)

So the Devil and I walked the Turtles half way to the Sober Turtle's house and he drove us to my car. At some point The Devil threw dryer sheets at us from the back seat (this sounds like some bizarre ass fable doesn't it?)

The Devil and I messed with some people on our way to her parents house via phone. Why? Because we could.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2003-04-14 / 8:41
The Devil, and some Turtles.... and me