meow meow meow gunshot sound.... this was what I was googled. Sounds like someone has an issue with kitties.

me, I like kitties. even crazy attack kitties.

ugh so I'm going to this thing with the roomies tonight. All of the roomies. This could be dangerous. luckily for me I have to be in at work very early tomorrow (9am, that's early for me.) so therefore I'm only allowed to have one drink, ok maybe 2. Papi is still harping on fixing me up with his co worker and I put my foot firmly down that I have something going on so please stop the madness. Papi even gave me this hypothetical situation "What if I tried to hook you up with someone who looked exactly like John Mayer?" I said no, I wouldn't do it. I've never cheated on anyone in my entire life and I'm certainly not starting now. I didn't bother to point out his hypothetical was all wrong. Yes, I find Mr. Mayer good looking but if I was presented with someone that looked like him well that's not the package deal. To me his looks are not his best quality. but whatever.

Tonight should be very interesting to say the least, the Mellow one's whatever you want to call it.... booty call that is not a booty call, is having this party thingie at some club and we're all going. There could possibly be drama between the two of them. The Mouth is all depressed, so if she ends up drinking tonight there could be some badness since the Mellow one's sister of the incredibly short temper will be coming along... and then Papi invited that co worker he was trying to fix me up with a long and I have no idea what he's said about me I hope this guy doesn't have his hopes up or anything.

anyhow I should have a good story about all this tomorrow.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2003-07-24 / 10:57
a night out with the crazy people