I have been speaking to myself in an internal monolouge (sp?) all day. NO I can't just have normal thoughts, no I have to have an internal monolouge. How self important is that? and I can't seem to make it stop.

I am incredibly lame.

Also dizzy for no apparant reason at all.


I'm thinking nap is in order... have you noticed the solution to all my problems is napping? It's like being 5, only when I was 5 I was much more resistant to the naps than I am now. I regret that now, all that time that could have been in napville wasted. There is nothing to fight in napville, it's a magical oasis where there are no villians. Well unless you count those pesky work related dreams, those suck. I dreamt they were trying to take my locker away from me.... because you see my locker is prime real estate..... first row, eye level. No I really did dream that... you think I have a little anxiety about things? this entry started out being three lines..... 'you know maybe you should just shut up'.... fuck there is that internal monolouge again.


1 now
2 before
3 me
4 they said
5 you say
6 diaryland
2001-05-20 / 8:11 p.m.
if you could hear my thoughts.......... you'd be as bored as I am